Professional Museums, Theatres, Cinemas, Galleries & Aquarium Cleaning
What’s involved:
Betterclean Services has been a trusted cleaning provider to cinemas, theatres, galleries, aquariums, and museums across the UK for over 25 years. We combine the care and attention of a locally owned and operated business with the sophisticated systems and expertise of a national network. Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, and a member of the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc), we focus on providing our clients with the highest quality service and exceptional value for money. The Betterclean Services museums, galleries and aquarium cleaning package provides:
• Daily cleaning
• Deep cleaning
• Cleaning cafes and refreshment areas
• Window cleaning
• Carpet cleaning
• And much more!
Why choose Betterclean Services?
• Trusted and reliable company with a proven track record
• Comprehensive range of services to meet your specific needs
• Tailored cleaning specifications
• Proven operational methods
• Monthly quality audits and scoring
• Flexible working hours
• Regular client communication
• Highest standards of hygiene
• BICSc compliance
• Highly trained and uniformed cleaners
• Mobile support team on standby
• Comprehensive RAMS
• Fully insured
We work to the highest standards to ensure a safe, clean, and hygienic environment for all areas of your premises.

We understand your needs for:
Flexible hours to suit your business requirements
High Quality
Replacement Cleaners on standby
“Communication excellent - friendly, very professional and efficient service. Would highly recommend the services of this company especially in these difficult times when we need re-assurances that our workplace environment
will remain safe and clean.”
“I recommend Betterclean highly - they do a great job and their customer service is fast and resolves any queries quickly”
Why choose Betterclean Services


Sanitisation Specialists

Back-up Support Team

Strong, Local & Loyal Staff
