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Thank you to all our staff members

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of our staff members who are currently on the front line in the fight to reduce the impact of COVID-19.

Often referred to as the “Invisible Workforce”, cleaning teams across the country are making sure that workplaces are kept as low risk as possible by reducing the chances of cross contamination from infected people through regular, systematic and effective cleaning methods.

At a time when the world is slowly coming to a stand still we find that it is these people who are enabling things to keep going that little bit longer and as a result of this I feel it is time that we shone the spot light on these amazing people and started to really appreciate what they do for us.

Many businesses see the need for cleaning services as something that they need to have but don’t really want to pay for and as such look for the cheapest possible option. This attitude usually results in a poor service which can give the industry a bad name, but more importantly it results in the cleaner earning little more than the National Living Wage for a job that does require training and can be physically demanding, if you have ever tried cleaning an office block in a couple of hours of an evening then you will appreciate how demanding it can be.

Our cleaners are trained in efficient and effective cleaning techniques, colour coding, COSHH requirements, the use of and basic maintenance of equipment, building security and much more yet often receive less pay than the person who makes the cup of coffee you purchase on the way to work. How can that be fair?

So as I pass on my thanks to my teams, I urge you all to stop and think about the work cleaners are doing at your premises, thank them the next time you see them and maybe think about how much better you can make their life by not simply choosing the cheapest service possible but actually respecting what they do and choosing a cleaning company that looks after and respects its staff.

Thank you team.

Dan van Kuyk

Director – Betterclean Services.

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